Monday, April 6, 2009

its time for animaniacs

After your 20th peice of Swedish Fish candy and second can of root beer you can suddenly taste the transfat.

My ovaries tell me it's so worth it though.

Head pounding, can't breathe, can't think straight, wishing the Swedish Fish would swim faster so I could just have a heart attack and die already. Imagining that this is what it must feel like to be a mime in an old 90's cartoon.

Sleep would be good. Unfortunately I just can't do that. There's so little time and so much dirty Harry Potter fanfiction, and even though I tell myself not to bother and read every single one-shot because it'll just slow me down in my quest to get through Harry and Draco's Loveshack! I do it anyway because there's nothing like a good quickie.

Spent a couple of hours in Borders yesterday. Got some thrillers to tear through during the break and started reading the Walking Dead (good stuff, that zombie apocalypse) in the store. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Glen and that the new baby is gonna cause more trouble than it's worth. I don't know how they're going to make that work, but we'll see. I only got a small part into the third issue and they're in this prison looking for provisions and find these inmates and so on, so forth.


Also, I don't think d-bag Chris can be trusted. Must keep eye out for him.

I'm a little late getting into it but really? You read it you read it. Doesn't really matter when.

Going to be reading Catcher over the break as well, for English. It's one of my favorites and it'll be nice to read it again. I was looking forward to getting to discuss the book in class but I don't know how much time we're gonna have for that once we get back. That and this is the first thing in English since the beginning of the year that hasn't been Greek or Shakespearean.

So yeah.

Hallelujah to that, sister-man.