Thursday, March 26, 2009

fuck off aryan nation, you and texas

The sky is a rain-spat gray, bright over the horizon like the sun didn't go down too long ago. In reality it's ten at night and the sun's probably somewhere close to California right now, wher it's probably still light out with people ordering Chinese food and watching ABC Family.

Stupid timezones.

Feeling close to people I don't know--like empathetic or whatever. Or maybe just obsessive? Wondering what it's like to be in one of those Polygamist cults. People will do some whacky things for God's approval. I kind of find it funny that a group that condemns homosexuality is all for underage marraige and child molestation. Shows that maybe breeding isn't the answer to the world's problems, or to God's.

Happiness, maybe?

But then again--what the fuck do I know?

Silly me and my frowning upon the pedophelia.

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