Thursday, March 26, 2009

katy perry is my wife and our wedding song is the bad touch

I never learned how to make gum wrapper necklaces when I was little.

I was watching this special on the History channel--something about how some atoms move so quickly they're two places at once. That because of this, an infinite number of alternate dimensions exist just beyond our reach. Dimensions where anything could be different from what socks you chose to put on this morning to JFK having never been assassinated. Your ethnicity to whether or not you ever learned how to make jewlery out of gum wrappers when you were a kid.

The way they explained it was confusing and scifi-esque, seemingly as realistic as space aliens (I mean like UFOs in the sky making crop circles suspiciously shaped like penises, lazar guns and probes and blah blah blah). But still, it's kind of cool to think about. To an extent. At some point it just gets weird.

Like, what if there's a dimension where the Holocaust never happened?

Or where Hogwarts exists?

What if there's a dimension where Neil Patrick Harris likes vagina?

Weird stuff man, lemme tell ya.

But I guess the point I'm trying to make in all of this rambling is--haaaaaaay, welcome to my blog.

Stay kosher. Or at least sober,

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