Sunday, August 30, 2009

"I wanna stop and grow up again"

Watched a clip from the last episode of Yu Yu Hakusho. Kurama and Kuwabara were sitting in a train station, just talking, and Kurama makes this statement along the lines of, "You really seem to be enjoying your high school life..."

And it's just kind of like--really? It's that simple? After all the things Kuwabara's been through--learning to control his spirit energy, Maze Castle, the Dark Tournament, being a part of something so much bigger than himself to save the world...and in the end, he just becomes normal. And he's happy about it.

Like it's just that simple.

It's like the quirky, loud-mouthed, honor-bound, carrot-top who's meant so much to avid YYH fans suddenly decided to give it all up for stupid girls in tight clothes and bad makeup. The geeky thug who wore his heart on his sleeve suddenly decided he was too cool to be part of the Spirit Detective team.

It's kind of like a good childhood friend growing up into someone you barely recognize.

Or a favorite band breaking up and all of the members going into politics or accounting.

This upset me more than it should've.


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